INGREDIENT : 6 Handful okazi leaves ,3 Handful Sliced waterleaves ,10 pieces of meat ,8 pieces of ponmo ,2 cups periwinkle ,1 big stock fish ,20cl Palm oil ,3 tablespoons of grounded crayfish ,2 tablespoon of dry pepper ,seasoning cubes ,Water

STEP 1 : Grind the okazi leaves and set it aside. Add some hot water to the stock fish so as to make it soft and alao set aside.
STEP 2 : Boil the meat in a pot and add seasoning cubes, sliced onions and salt to taste.
STEP 3 : Add the stock fish, periwinkle, ponmo to the meat and boil for another 5 minutes.
STEP 4 : Add the dry pepper, crayfish and palm oil and allow to boil for another 3 minutes.

STEP 5 : You can now add the sliced water leaves and allow to boil for 5 minutes as seen above.
STEP 6 : Lower the heat and add the grounded okazi leaves, allow to boil for another 3 minutes. Okazi can go with any swallow such as Eba, Pounded yam, Fufu etc.
Food is ready.


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