What are Split Ends?

Split end is a popular hair problem to almost girls, especially those who have long one. Split ends happen when your hair is divided into parts at the end. It indicates the fraying or splitting which happens to your hair shaft. It is also called trichoptilosis medically.

What Cause Split Ends?

The cause of this problem can be chemical, mechanical or even thermal stress which damage the outer layer that protects the hair cuticle.

Also the deficiency in moisture as well as nourishment can contribute to the worsening of this problem, especially for long hair.

There are many activities that can cause split ends such as: the use of curling irons and other heat treatments; excessive use of hair styling cosmetics, like gels, serums, and sprays; washing of hair with hot water, etc.

The fastest and easiest way to deal with split ends is to cut a part of the hair. However, not many girls are willing to do this because it would take a long time for hair to grow back. Here are the top 15 home remedies for how to get rid of split ends that can help get rid of this problem as well as restore your silky and smooth hair.

1. Egg

Egg is very rich in protein and fatty acid which are very good for your hair. That is the reason why egg is one of the best home remedies for how to get rid of split ends. To get rid of split ends, you should do in following way:

Mix a whisked egg yolk with two or three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey to make a hair mask.
Apply it to your hair in 20 minutes.
Wash your hair with water.
Another alternative is whisking an egg with one teaspoon of almond oil to apply on your damp hair. After 20 to 30 minutes, you can wash your hair with water.

Egg is also a good home remedy for not only split ends but also stretch marks.

2. Honey

Honey is a great home remedy for how to get rid of split ends thanks to its humectant property and nutrient content. It is considered as a natural hair conditioner and moisturizer that make your hair softer and shinier.

How to use:

Mix two tablespoons of honey in four cups of warm water.
Wash your hair by shampoo and then use the mixture to rinse it.
Leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water.
To see the positive result, you should use honey once a week.

Besides, honey is also a great home remedy for many other problems including skin issues.

3. Avocado

Avocado is a useful deep conditioner to create lustrous locks. It contains protein, essential fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins A, D and E, and other nutrients which are very effective on how to get rid of split ends.

How to use:

Mash an avocado and massage it in your damp hair.
After 30 minutes, rinse it off with water.
You should do it twice to three times a week to effectively get rid of split ends.

4. Banana

Banana is rich in natural oils, potassium, zinc, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E; so it is a great home remedy for how to get rid of split ends. Besides, it also softens and moisturizes your hair, encourages hair repair and growth.

How to use:

Put one ripe banana, two tablespoons of plain yogurt and a little rose water and lemon juice in a blender.
Apply this mixture on your hair and after 1 hour, wash it with water.
You should do this once or twice a week.

5. Papaya

Papaya helps nourish your hair and reduce split ends because of its protein. Therefor, it is usually used as a useful home remedy for how to get rid of split ends.

How to use:

Mix a ripe papaya and half cup of yogurt to form a pulpy paste.
Apply it on your hair for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.
6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great home remedy for many problems of your health. And with split ends, it is very effective treatment.

How to use:

Combine Aloe Vera gel with one tablespoon lemon juice and two teaspoons castor oil, olive oil or jojoba oil.
Apply it to your hair and massage it gently in about 30 minutes.
Finally shampoo your hair.
You should do this two or three times a week until split ends reduce.

7. Beer

Beer provides protein and sugar for your hair. Therefore, it is an effective home remedy for how to get rid of split ends.

How to use:

After shampooing your hair, rinse it with beer.
You should do this after every shampooing to reduce the problem with split ends.

8. Milk and Cream

Both milk and cream work as moisture for your hair, which makes your hair smooth and supple. As a result, a combination of milk and cream will be a good home remedy for how to get rid of split ends.

How to use:

Mix one tablespoon of cream and one-half cup of whole milk.
Rinse your hair with it and let it for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse it off and shampoo your hair.
You should do this once a week for a few months to gain the best result.

9. Castor Oil

Castor oil is extremely helpful on how to get rid of split ends.

How to use:

Mix equal amounts of castor oil, mustard oil, and olive oil.
Apply this mixture onto your hair.
Wrap it up in a towel and let it set for 30 minutes.
Wash your hair off with water.
10. Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which are effective for many problems about skin and hair. To get rid of split ends, you can use following way:

Apply warm olive oil on your hair.
Massage your hair gently for some minutes.
Let it on your hair overnight.
Then wash it off in the next morning.
11. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is always great home remedy for all problems about hair.

To make coconut oil become an effective home remedy for split ends, you should do the following way: Massage your hair with warm coconut oil every day and then you do not need wash your hair off with water.

12. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is famous for moisture for hair. It is very effective in reducing split ends.

How to use:

Mix jojoba oil with your shampoo or conditioner while washing your hair. This will help make your hair softer and more nourished.
13. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has many properties which is excellent on how to get rid of split ends. Being a good treatment for split ends, chamomile tea can be use while shampooing your hair.

How to use: Steep a few chamomile tea bags in boiling water and let it cool. Then rinse your hair with this to reduce split ends.

14. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for your skin and heath. Also, it offers many positive effects for your hair such as: preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Therefore, it is a good home remedy for how to get rid of split ends.

How to use:

Mix the oil of 2-3 Vitamin E capsules in lukewarm water. And then massage gently split ends with it. You should use this every day to have the best result.
15. Eat More Healthy Fat

Add more healthy fat to your daily diet will help on how to get rid of split ends. Because, healthy fat helps moisturize the hair; prevent wear, tear and split ends. The healthy fat includes: avocados, almonds, cashews and so on.

With these home remedies for split ends, you can get rid of split ends without cutting your hair off. All home remedies for split ends are very safe and effective to help you prevent, reduce split ends and improve your hair.


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