CELEBRITY NEWS;Michael Jackson Accusers Can Now Sue for Sexual Abuse

 Thanks to a new law, Wade Robson and James Safechuck — two men who have accused Michael Jackson of sexually abusing them when they were children — will get the chance to sue two corporate entities tied to the Jackson estate.
On January 1st a new California law went into effect that allows victims of childhood sexual abuse until the age of 40 (up from 26) to file civil lawsuits. The new law also extended the statute of limitations on a provision that stated victims could sue a third-party entities tied to the alleged abuser that either knew, or should have known, that abuse was happening, or failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the abuse.
“The corporations do not dispute these revisions apply to plaintiffs’ nonfatal cases still pending on appeal, rendering their claims timely,” the ruling read. “We agree and find their dispute under the previous statutory provisions to be moot.”
Given this new law, on Friday a California appeals court overturned a 2017 ruling that stated Robson and Safechuck couldn’t sue MJJ Productions, Inc. or MJJ Ventures, Inc. because the suits hadn’t been filed within the statute of limitations — and because neither entity could be held liable for Jackson’s alleged actions.
Vince Finaldi, a lawyer for Robson and Safechuck, tells Rolling Stone, “We’re pleased the appellate court has affirmed the strong protections that California has for sexual abuse victims and recognized the extended statute of limitations that it provides.”


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