
Have you ever found some unattractive and unnatural skin areas on the head of your baby? The likelihood is that he or she is struggling with cradle cap – an entirely common problem. However, it does not mean that you leave it untreated.

Use these natural home remedies for cradle cap to protect your baby from the risk of eternal hair loss!

What is Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap appears in the form of yellow or gray scalp flakes which concentrate into clusters or even the entire scalp. It is very common for babies at the age of few weeks to one year old.

This phenomenon does not affect health, but it causes disfiguring.

However, in some cases, if the cradle cap on the child’s head is rashly infected, it can cause infections or sebaceous nevus.

What Causes Cradle Cap?

Most people, including experts, claim that it is challenging to find a specific contributor to cradle cap that is true in every case.

A possible cause of forming cradle cap may be due to excessive secretion of mucus of cystic glands. It can make sticky dead skin cells fasten to the scalp.

Some causes that may lead to increased mucus secretion are:

Maternal hormones still circulating in the baby’s blood
An immature digestive system does not have enough biotin absorption
The lack of essential vitamins and minerals effectively
Infrequent shampooing.
Cradle cap can also occur in children with atopic dermatitis. Besides, children may experience lumpy skin or acne tiny, mostly in the cheeks and forehead regions.

Cradle cap is a favorable environment for the Pityrosporum ovale fungus’ development that can make the baby itching. In some rare cases, it can spread to other skin areas of the baby.

As children grow up, cradle cap becomes fewer, and when they are one year old, it may be eliminated. If cradle cap is just a thin layer, it is a typical physiological phenomenon. In contrast, if it plays into thick foundation plastered to the hairline, it will cause itch so the baby will scratch their heads frequently. It leads to infectious complications in the scalp.

Cradle Cap Symptoms

Here are the typical signs of cradle cap that can help you detect the problem earlier and then, find an appropriate treatment.

Hard patchy scales on the scalp.
Hair loss.
Greasy and chapped skin.
Children may cry
Inflammation, drainage, instant boil
Home Remedies for Cradle Cap

As the primary victim of cradle cap is infants, the recommendation is not to use drugs. In fact, cradle cap is not so severe that you have to count on medical intervention. You can expect this problem to disappear by itself after several months.

But it seems long to make your baby suffer. Therefore, why don’t you try one of the natural home remedies for cradle cap? They are efficient and more importantly, safer than drugs.

Here are the top 20 home remedies for cradle cap that can make you surprised for their powerful and instant effects.

1. Shea Butter

Shea butter is one of the best natural home remedies for cradle cap. It can enter into the skin without any side effects. That is the reason why it is very safe to the baby’s soft and tender skin.

Take some Shea butter to cover the cradle cap areas. Let it be there for about 20 minutes. After that, gently scrub the cradle cap by a soft toothed comb. Finally, rinse off baby’s head with water and shampoo then wipe with a soft and clean cotton towel.

2. Vaseline

Vaseline can be used to treat cradle cap efficiently. It is one of the most convenient home remedies for cradle cap

Take an enough amount of Vaseline and apply it to the affected areas. Leave it for all night for the best effect. In the next morning, the cradle will be softened and easy to remove. Just need to use a soft toothed comb to rub and remove the scales from your baby’ scalp.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut should be one of the very first home remedies for cradle cap. This natural home remedy is safe for your baby.

Take enough amount of coconut oil and apply it to the head skin. Make sure that it covers all the affected areas. Then you can remove the flakes by scrubbing with a soft toothed comb. Finally, wash off the baby’ head with fresh water and a suitable shampoo and wipe with a soft towel.

4. Mineral Oil

Mineral oil is another kind of natural oil that you can use to remove the cradle cap in your baby. It works perfectly as one of the most significant home remedies for cradle cap.

Take the oil and cover it well onto the baby’ head. Wait for some hours so that the cradle is softened. Next, wash off to remove the oil with water and shampoo. While washing, use a soft towel to rub the scalp gently in a circular motion. Finally, wipe your baby with a clean and soft towel.

5. Olive Oil

It seems that many essential oils are excellent home remedies for cradle cap. Olive oil is used for a wide range of purposes; include removing cradle cap in a baby. It is also very safe to the tender skin of the baby.

Take a little amount of olive oil and apply to the head scalp. Let it sit on for at least 15 minutes. The oil will soften the hard and dry scales so it can be easy to remove. After the period, gently rub the cradle with a soft toothed comb or clean, soft washcloth.

6. Fine Toothed Comb

A fine-toothed comb is very necessary for helping remove the cradle cap.

After softening the hard scales, a soft and fine toothed comb will be very helpful in picking out the flakes. So you should be careful in choosing a toothed comb to help your baby get relief from the cradle.

However, you should notice not to put a lot of pressure, or it can cause pain and lead to the blooding.

7. Baby Shampoo

A suitable shampoo is very essential to the skin health. It can affect directly to the scalp. Good baby shampoo can be helpful in treating cradle cap. We all know that these home remedies for cradle cap should be rinsed with a great shampoo.

So, you should be very careful in choosing the one that is suitable for your baby.

Wet your baby head with water so that the scales can be softened. Then apply enough amount of shampoo and gently scrub the scalp. After that, wash off with warm water and use a soft toothed comb to pick out the scales.

8. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be an optional choice for removing cradle cap. Even though tea tree oil is one of the most efficient home remedies for cradle cap, it is essential to remember that the oil is dominant to the baby skin so it shouldn’t be applied directly to the scalp.

To apply the oil safely, you need to dilute the oil by adding some almond oil with the rate of 1:10. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and let it be there for at least 15 minutes. After that, remove the scales with a toothed comb.

9. Almond Oil

Almond oil is totally safe for the sensitive skin of baby.

Apply the almond oil directly to the affected areas and let it be there for a few minutes. Then use a toothed comb to rub and gently remove the scales. Finally, wash off with water and wipe out with a soft cotton towel.

10. Breast Milk

Babies are dependent on breast milk for the first months of their life. It has been practiced for thousands of years and scientists also confirmed the health benefits of breast milk.

What mothers might not notice is that breast milk can serve as one of the best home remedies for cradle cap. Therefore, in addition to making your baby consume it every day, you can take it and use it to rinse the baby’s head a few times per day to help them get rid of this problem quickly.

11. Petroleum Jelly

With a lot of moisture, petroleum jelly is an excellent response to those who need natural home remedies for cradle cap. Thanks to petroleum jelly, oily scales will be loosened up, and crusts will be quickly gone.

How to do:

Petroleum jelly should be applied directly to the scalp
Massage this area for a while before leaving it in 60 minutes
Take warm water to make the baby’s hair wet
A soft brush should be used to remove all crusts
12. Avocado Oil

Typically, fungal infections are responsible for cradle cap. Some mentioned home remedies for cradle cap deal with them entirely, such as tea tree oil. This oil makes parents nervous because of its strong qualities.

In this case, avocado oil is the best solution. It contains many vital nutrients itself, amplifying the power of tea tree oil as a cradle cap cure.

How to do:

Combine avocado oil and tea tree oil with the ration 10:1
Apply the mixture and massage the baby’s scalp
15 minutes later, use a mild shampoo to rinse the scalp
Nonetheless, the mixture should not have direct contact with baby’s nose, mouth or eyes.

13. Burdock

Burdock, as useful as chamomile in the cradle cap treatment, is one of the best natural home remedies for cradle cap. With astringent qualities, burdock might constrict our glands. As a result, the secretion of glandular will be slowed down.

How to do:

Mix dried burdock root with hot water
Steep them in more or less than 15 minutes
The mixture should be used to cleanse the baby’s scalp regularly
It is not necessary to use water to cleanse the head again. The method should be repeated a few times per day to get the best result of treating baby cradle cap.

14. Viola

There are many antioxidants in this herb, viola, which also has fantastic antimicrobial and insecticidal qualities. Viola also contains salicylic acids which have surprising effects on the hard skin. Furthermore, the amount of vitamins C and A in villa also provides a lot of healing efforts for cradle cap treatment. To sum up, the viola is one of the most effective home remedies for cradle cap.

Nevertheless, it is crucial that you ask herbalists or doctors for advice before using its tincture in your baby. In many cases, there are allergic reactions due to the use of violas, such as nervousness or stomach problems.

15. Hydrocortisone Cream

It is an excellent cream that can be used to remove the cradle cap. It also can be used to fight against some diseases such as eczema.

Take an amount of the cream and apply to the affected areas. It is best to use in the morning. Let the cream sit on for several hours. If necessary, you can apply some more cream before coming to sleep.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used as home remedies for cradle cap thanks to its acidic property.

Before applying apple cider vinegar, you should dilute it with water at the rate of 1:2. Then apply the diluted solution to the scales areas. Gently massage the skin for 1-2 minutes then let it rest in about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse off with water to remove the dead skin.

17. Calendula

Calendula will help in reducing symptoms of cradle cap and getting relied soon thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it is one of the most excellent home remedies for cradle cap.

Apply calendula directly to the affected scalp areas and keep this for several hours. After that, rinse off with water and shampoo as well.

18. Baking Soda

Baking soda is use for many purposes. It also can be among the essential home remedies for cradle cap you must have thanks to its properties.

Mix 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda with an enough amount of water to from a paste. Apply the paste to the infected areas. Keep the paste on the scalp for several minutes. After that, use a soft comb to gently rub and pick out the scales.

Alternatively, mix baking soda with some kind of natural oils in the ratio of 1:1. This mixture will brings more effects whenever it was applied to the infected areas.

19. Cradle Cap Brush

A cradle cap brush is one of the most useful home remedies for cradle cap.

Although it is very available in some markets, notice that you should carefully choose the best one that is suitable and safe for your baby. The one that has soft bristles is required.

When using the cradle cap brush, remember not to press too much or it can harmful to the sensitive and tender skin of your baby or in some cases, it can cause pain and lead to blood.

20. Medicated Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

This anti-dandruff shampoo is very helpful in throwing away cradle cap. It can keep the scalp moisture and work on flakiness.

Just simply use the shampoo to wash your body head. Apply this whenever you take a shower for your baby. While washing, you can also gently remove the softened scales.

When to See A Doctor

If you intend to use one of these home remedies for cradle cap to eliminate scales, remember to apply them gently so that you do not irritate the sensitive skin of your baby.

Furthermore, once you notice more severe signs of cradle cap, such as its spreading to other areas, do not rely on natural home remedies for cradle cap only. It is imperative to seek a doctor for a consultation, especially when you see swelling, redness, or even bleeding on these skin areas.

It is common for parents to think of dandruff shampoo instantly when they see cradle cap. Sometimes, even some doctors recommend using the shampoo as well. But you need to know that these products have some strong ingredients, such as salicylic acid. They are not suitable for infants.

On the other hand, you need to pay attention to when cradle cap happens. If it comes back after your baby’s first birthday, contact your doctor immediately to check his or her condition.

How to Prevent Cradle Cap

Among natural home remedies for cradle cap, nutrition is the central key. With all these home remedies for cradle cap, one is particularly outstanding for its important role as the main source of food – breast milk. You had better use it to the fullest extent.

Besides, some equipment can support the prevention of cradle cap, such as a humidifier, which guarantees a favorable condition to be free from cradle cap. Let’s find out some extra tips on how to prevent cradle cap in your babies!

A humidifier

When your baby has cradle cap, it is common to see that their skin becomes sensitive and dry. Therefore, getting a humidifier can have positive effects on the moisture level, which helps to prevent dryness. A humidifier is even more necessary if you use air conditioner regularly.

Be careful with baby shampoo

On the market, many shampoos are advertised to have wonderful effects on babies, but in fact, they might be dangerous for them. The truth is that they contain many toxic ingredients and if you constantly use them on your baby, the possibility is that your baby gets not only cradle cap but also other skin problems.

If you are not sure about which is safe, you can check the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database as a reference source. It provides a lot of information on how to get your appropriate baby shampoo and also lotions.

If possible, you can use some of our home remedies for cradle cap as the shampoo for the baby as well. They are natural ingredients, so there is no side effect in the long term.

Moisturize your baby’s skin

The suggestion to improve your baby’s skin condition is to moisturize it after shampooing. You should use natural moisturizers for this purpose. The warm and damp scalp will absorb moisture better and reduce the risk of dryness and scales significantly.

Avoid overwashing

A common belief is to rinse the scalp as much as possible when parents want to remove cradle cap. Nevertheless, overwashing might have opposite effects and worsen the situation.

It can stimulate the release of oil on the baby’s scalp, which has adverse effects on the treatment. Besides, if you do it too hard, you might scratch your baby’s sensitive scalp and cause pain to them.

Instead of washing every day, you should do it every 2-3 days. Besides, it is an excellent idea to massage your baby’s head per day and brush it to eradicate any flakes.

Diet Check

Even though the association between diet and cradle cap is not clear, the recommendation of some experts is to check your baby’s diet when they experience cradle cap. It is possible that your baby is allergic to some baby formula and as a result, cradle cap happens.

In case your baby has some red patches or experiences diarrhea as signs of cradle cap, consult your doctor immediately so that you can find a better formula for the baby.


Overall, you do not need to be frustrated about cradle cap. Many infants around the world have it and they all managed to get rid of it with natural home remedies for cradle cap. Put an end to this annoying problem so that your baby can be attractive and cute as normal.


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