10 Crazy Things about Nigeria


Nigerians are highly motivated by religious belief in any thing they do.

Out of 200 million people in the country about 63% are illiterate, majorly from the North.

From now till the next 400 years, Nigeria has no clear and strategic plan for her citizens that is attainable with predictable outcome

Despite gaining independence in 1960, Nigeria has remained a member of the British Commonwealth, 

The hobby of most politicians in Nigeria is corruption which they enjoy doing without struggle.

Nigeria's president has the highest vehicle convoy in the world.

In the last three years the rate of Kidnapping, cultism, and robbery has decline drastically, due to fact that majority of the boys are now in to cybercrime time as gainful alternative.

 87% of teen from southeast and south south wish to became a successful G Boy at age 20.

Nigeria is the most famous black Nation in the world, they are in all regions of the world they tend to do better outside the shore of their country.

Nigeria is the headquarter of poverty in the world, with large majority living below the poverty line according to UN's report.

With The economic state of the country, the affordable recreational activity that could give an average Nigeria 90% joy and hope is sex and gambling..

There is no doubt that Nigeria is the giant of Africa, but a crippled giant in reality. (A living dog is better than a dead lion).

Females especially from Imo in southeastern Nigeria, have facial and more hair on their chest than their males.

The cost of living in Abuja, is more expensive than the cost of livingi n London.

Nigeria has the highest number of musicians in the world, "every body wan blow"

Nigeria has the highest number of police officers in Africa.

Osun state has the highest number of Yahoo boys in the country.

96% of Edo family have a family representative in Italy, that legislate on their financial needs.

Nigeria is one of China's best market for her product.

In Nigeria a man can be sentenced to death by hanging for stealing a tuber of yam while those that loot public funds could be sentenced to 5 months for moving 200 billion

An average Ibo man can detact and smell money 100 meters away.

Nigerians are the highest users of slangs in Africa, 2nd only to USA in the world.

The most spoken phrase in Nigeria is "How far na ?"

Nigeria is the only country where mad people are self employed


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