Eyebrows can work as an effective nonverbal communicator. Yes, it does well. The benefits of appealing eyebrows lie in things that enhance people’s facial expression such as happiness, angers or surprises. They are useful for providing signs and expression to complement hand signs for people contracting hearing problems.

For most people, particularly women, possessing thick and natural eyebrows is an increasingly demand. Eyebrows help shape our facial look and play such an essential role in featuring our face. The eyebrows that look too thin or too short can have a negative impact on the beauty of a person. A recent study has stated thin eyebrows, infrequently, happened due to the result of aging process, poor cosmetic usage or medical conditions such as eczema, hypothyroidism or alopecia areata.

In fact, eyebrow hair growth products are available on the market; however, some work, some do not. More importantly, medical treatments, including chemotherapy or radiation can lead to some hair-related problems. Also, there is no need to waste over tons of cash for unaffordable serums or conditioners while simple natural remedies can do the job much better.

In order to make eyebrows grow thick and become more attractive, there is a little hard-work that you need to do now. A bunch of amazing home remedies for thicker eyebrows has been collected to help you reach positive results. It will never be too late so be patients and kick off right away.

Following are 20 workable handy – tips on how to grow thicker eyebrows that should be taken into consideration. Without commercial products, it is completely possible to help your eyebrows grow faster and naturally.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective helps on how to make your eyebrows grow thicker. Thanks to various proteins and essential nutrients such as iron and vitamin E, coconut oil helps strengthen thick as well as healthy eyebrows. Additionally, this kind of oil works wonder to help your eyebrows look darker.

How to use:

Place a little amount of warm coconut oil on the fingertips
Rub it on the eyebrows and then massage it nicely for some times to foster the blood circulation
Keep it on overnight
Wash it off with warm water next morning when waking up
Practise the treatment up to 2 months until you can notice some better improvements
2. Vaseline

If you want natural eyebrows, vaseline is certainly mentioned. As you might not know about, vaseline can serve as a wonderful tip on how to grow thicker eyebrows because of its moisturizes and conditions that aid in remaining eyebrow hair firm and straight. All things you can do are rubbing a small amount of vaseline to your eyebrows for a few times per day and keep the application continuous for 3 months.

3. Castor Oil

Castor oil has been traditionally used for making eyebrows grow thicker effectively. It is loaded with vitamins; fatty acids and antioxidant that help foster hair growth as well as nourish the hair follicles. This inexpressive oil can be also potential for microorganisms elimination that takes responsibility for weakening eyebrow hair growth.

How to use:

Place a cotton swab into castor oil before rubbing it on your eyebrows
Massage it nicely and gently by your fingers within 3 minutes
Wait for at least 30 minutes or leave it on overnight
Rinse it off with warm water and a cleanser
Do the treatment only once per day in several weeks
Note: If you feel any burning or irritation, you should try to stop this remedy.

4. Almond Oil

Almond oil is another potential home remedy to help you possess well – shaped eyebrows. Being rich in vitamin A, B, E, almond oil aids in nourishing your hair and thereby strengthening hair growth.

How to use:

Prepare a few drops of almond oil
Massage gently the oil on your eyebrows in circular motion
Leave it on overnight and rise it off with warm water next morning
Repeat the treatment daily
Note: If you are allergic to almond, you should stop trying this remedy. Almonds can cause some common health issues, including swelling, itching, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems. More severely, the allergy can lead to anaphylactic shock.

5. Aloe Vera

Another wonderful home remedy for thicker eyebrows is Aloe Vera. Aloe vera affords numerous health benefits, including promote the eyebrows. Aloe Vera is packed with aloenin that helps boost the hair growth. Also, the gel is widely known as non – sticky and becomes absorbed fast; therefore, it should be applied for several times during the day.

How to use:

Prepare an aloe vera leave and extract its gel
Run the gel on your eyebrows until it becomes absorbed
Put the rest in the fridge
Repeat the treatment a few times per day
6. Onion Juice

Onion is considered as safe and natural for treating thin eyebrows. Thanks to high level of sulphur, onion can help battle with hair loss and encourage hair growth. Thanks to the pungent smell, it is one of the best natural remedies for all traces.

How to use:

Chop the onion into smaller slices and place it in a blender to make a paste
Strain the paste to extract the juice
Rub the juice on your eyebrows by using a Q – tips
Leave it on for an hour
Rinse it off with a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice
Repeat the treatment per day
7. Egg Yolk

You will have chance to regrow eyebrows if considering egg yolk as one of the best home remedies for thicker eyebrows. Egg yolk is highly recommended to use because it contains a rich source of biotin, an essential substance that aids in growing thicker eyebrows and boosting the process faster.

How to use:

Beat the egg to separate the egg yolk from the white
Beat the yolk until you can get a smooth consistency
Rub it in your eyebrows by using a brush or a Q – tip
Leave it on for about 20 minutes and wash it off with the warm water
Apart from that, when it comes to alopecia, you should consider egg yolk as among top natural treatments.

8. Milk

Milk stands top positions in the list of home remedies that make eyebrows grow thicker safely and naturally since it is loaded with important minerals, nutrients and vitamins.

How to use:

Dip a cotton ball in a glass of milk
Place it on your eyebrows and massage them with the cotton
Leave it on for 15 minutes
Rinse it off with water
Repeat the treatment daily
9. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are a good feedback for people who are looking at how to grow thicker eyebrows. . Fenugreek seeds are regarded as one of the most essential elements of hair care. The nicotinic acid and proteins found in the seeds support the eye hair growth stimulation. Additionally, it aids in recovering the hair follicles and thereby leading to fresh hair growth.

How to use:

Dip the fenugreek seeds in water and leave it on overnight
Grind the seeds into a fine paste and then rub it on your eyebrows
Leave it on for 45 minutes before washing it off with warm water
Repeat the treatment twice a week for positive outcomes
10. Sesame Seed Oil

“Do eyebrows grow back?” ranks first in women’s top beauty concerns. Luckily, your problem will go away soon because sesame seed oil is here. Sesame seed oil helps enhance hair growth and keep your hair staying healthy. It should be used regularly for better results.

How to use:

Apply the oil on your eyebrows
Leave it on overnight and rinse it off with a mild face wash and cold water
11. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is commonly known as hair growth booster and fragile hair promotion. The reason why vitamin E supplement becomes among top home remedies for eyebrows comes from its package of tocotrienol serving as an antioxidant that helps with stress reduction causing hair loss.

How to apply:

Prepare some Vitamin E capsule and break open them to take the oil
Apply the oil on your eyebrows and then massage them for a few minutes
Keep it on overnight
Repeat the treatment each night before going to sleep
12. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a kind of flower. A number of recent studies have showed that hibiscus can boost hair growth. Its leaves work wonder as well since they possess a slightly upper hand.

How to use: 

Crush the flowers or their leaves and rub it on your eyebrows
Leave it on for 30 minutes
Rinse it off with warm water
Repeat the treatment daily
Hibiscus flower is a powerful protection for many hair-related problems, including premature graying of hair.

13. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most popular cures that promote your eyebrows to become thicker. Since it is rich in Vitamin B, C, folic acid, lemon can aid in fostering the growth of eyebrows.

How to use:

Apply a slice of lemon on your eyebrows
Keep it for 2 minutes and wash it off with warm water
Repeat the treatment once daily to help your eyebrows stay healthy
Note: You need to try to avoid keeping your eyebrow under sunlight for 2 hours when using lemon because it can allow the colour of the hair to be lightened.

14. Linseed Oil

Thanks to the essential fatal acid present in linseed oil, it can help possess thicker eyebrows.

How to use:

Soak a clean mascara wand in the oil
Rub it on your eyebrows
Leave it overnight
Wash it off with warm water
Do the treatment once daily
15. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are an integral part of Ayurveda and have been traditionally applied as one of the most powerful home remedies for thicker eyebrows.

How to use:

Crush the leaves and dip them in a glass of warm water within several hours
Strain the leaves and rub the concoction over the eyebrows
Leave it on overnight
Repeat the treatment up to four times per week
16. Olive Oil

Don’t miss out one of the most impressive home remedies for thicker eyebrows, olive oil. The oil is considered safe and natural thanks to its package of vitamin A and E. While Vitamin E helps nourish each hair strand, vitamin A proves its effectiveness in encouraging the sebum production, the body’s natural oil, which stimulate hair growth. This can be done at least once a day in order to see results in a matter of weeks.

How to apply:

Put a drop of olive oil on the fingertips
Massage it nicely on the eyebrows
Leave it on for several hours before rinsing it off with face wash and water
Perform the treatment once daily for better results
17. Petroleum Jelly

You will properly not hear much about petroleum jelly; however, when it comes to hair growth, then the treatment is among greatest choices. Petroleum jelly enables to retain moisture in the brows and prevent it from escaping; thereby keeping the skin staying moisturized. This makes your brows grow out long and fuller. Try to use the treatment nightly and see whether you have achieved your goals already.

How to apply:

Rub the jelly over your eyebrows
Keep it on overnight
Remember not to use too much because it can stain your pillowcase
Wash it off with tepid water next morning
18. Comb to stimulate hair growth

If you are careful, don’t forget this step. Brushing hair, actually, confers its own amazing benefits. Brushing hair is beneficial for stimulating the blood capillaries, hence, boosting the blood circulation and promoting the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to the bulb, stem and root of the hair.

19. Drink Water

Water is a perfect answer to any question relating to skin and hair problems, including how to get thicker eyebrows. In details, it aids in flushing out all the toxic substance inside the body through urine. You should set up the habit of consuming at least 8-10 glasses of daily. This enhances the body system and boosts hair growth significantly.

20. Include vitamins B and D

And of course, vitamins are indispensable supplements. The intake of vitamin can have impact on your internal organs and even physical appearance. To promote hair growth, try to take in those foods that are high in vitamins B and D. The vitamins assists in growing healthy and strong eyelashes and eyebrows, which is capable of fighting the harmful influences of some chemical-based products such as eyeliner or mascara.

Additional Tips:

Consume biotin to foster hair growth. You had better eat some certain types of food, including avocados, salmon, eggs and peanuts since they serve as your natural treatment of hair loss.
Don’t wear makeup. A recent study has proven that excessive face makeup slows down the eyebrows growth
Try to massage gently your eyebrows on a regular basic. Massage therapy is good for increasing blood circulation that is around your eyebrow area. This also stimulates the supply of nutrients.
Avoid lotions and creams as they clog hair follicles. (Using both of them can damage the natural breathing process of hair and thereby preventing the eyebrows against growing long and healthy.
Just like lotions and creams, plucking along with waxing the eyebrows cause damages to hair follicle severely, preventing hair against lengthening back.


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