Scanty growth or thin eyelashes are all common concerns as majority of people desire for thicker eyelashes because they make their face remarkably more attractive and beautiful.
Thin eyelashes can come from various factors from genetics to age, from medications to nutrition deficiency, changes in hormones and even infections on the eyes. Additionally, have your eyes rubbed excessively as well as keep your eye makeup for too long can definitely make your delicate eyelashes’ hairs to come off.
The very first step which you need to take in order to possess thicker and healthier lashes is having routine procedure to care for your eyelashes.
There are methods which you can choose to care for your eyelashes naturally in order to improve your eyelashes’ thickness. However, the remedies’ effects will vary from one to another. Also the time for the remedies to take impact will also be different and sometimes you will have to combine several remedies together for better effect.
Here are the top 15 most effective remedies which you can easily apply from home in order to maintain healthy eyelashes as well as improve the thickness of your eyelashes…
1. Castor Oil
With nourishing and follicle-stimulating properties, castor oil can help you make you lashes look voluminous and lustrous as much as you desire. Furthermore, it also eliminates micro-organisms which obstruct the growth of eyelashes.
How to use:
- Take a cotton swab or brush and use them to apply the oil onto the eyelashes before sleeping. Also consider put in some vitamin E oil together with castor oil. After waking up, cleanse it off using warm water.
- Another option is mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil with some Aloe Vera gel. Take a cotton swab to apply the mixture onto the eyelashes overnight. After waking up, cleanse using warm water.
- Perform on a daily basis in 2 or 3 months.
2. Olive Oil
The oleic acid and vitamin E from olive oil is well-known for nourishing and increasing volume for eyelashes as well as maintain the dark color for the lashes.

How to use:
- Warm up some olive oil and use a cotton swab or an old but clean mascara stick to apply the oil onto the eyelashes before sleeping.
- After waking up, cleanse using warm water.
- Perform on a daily basis for couples of month.
Olive oil is one of the most common items which you can find in any household. Also it is considered an effective home remedy for numerous problems.
3. Aloe Vera
Rich of nutrients and vitamins, Aloe Vera can significantly improve the growth of eyelashes as well as moisturize them.

How to use:
- Take a clean mascara stick to apply the gel of Aloe Vera onto the lashes and keep it there overnight. After waking up, cleanse using warm water.
- Another option is make a mixture from a tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel with some jojoba oil and a teaspoon of chamomile infusion. Take a clean mascara stick and use it to apply the mixture onto the eyelashes. After about 15 minutes, cleanse using warm water.
- Perform for couples of month.
Note: Remember to get rid of the latex through washing the Aloe Vera gel before using.
4. Green Tea
The high amount of flavonoids found in green tea make it an excellent remedy for growing thick and long eyelashes.

How to use:
- Make a glass of green tea which is unsweetened and let it cool down.
- Take a cotton swab and apply the tea onto the eyelashes from roots to tips.
- After about 15 minutes, cleanse using cool water.
- Perform twice per day in 2 or 3 months.
Note: Keep the green tea out of your eyes when applying.
5. Lemon Peels
Containing folic acid, vitamin B and C and many other nutrients, lemon peels can help you increase volume of the eyelashes. Moreover, when combined with castor or olive oil, it can boost the stimulating as well as cleansing properties of those oils.
How to use:
- Take a tablespoon of lemon peels which have been moderately dried and soak them in castor or olive oil.
- Keep them soak for few weeks.
- Take a clean mascara stick and use it to apply the oil which is used to soak lemon peels onto the eyelashes.
- Let it on overnight and cleanse using warm water after waking up.
- Perform for couples of month.
6. Egg
The richness of protein from egg will significantly improve the length and thickness of eyelashes. Furthermore, the vitamin B and biotin are also excellent for maintaining healthy texture of eyelashes.

How to use:
- Take an egg with a tablespoon of glycerin and beat them into a creamy and thick texture.
- Take a cotton swab and use it to apply the mixture onto the eyelashes.
- After about 15 minutes, cleanse using cold water.
- Perform 3 times per week in couples of month.
7. Coconut Milk
The essential fats and protein from coconut milk can be effective at improve the condition of your eyelashes as well as make them shinier.
How to use:
- Take a cotton swab and use it to apply coconut milk onto the eyelashes.
- After about 10 minutes, cleanse it off.
- Perform 1 to 2 times per day for couples of month.
8. Proper Diet
Similar to your hair, the eyelashes will also need sufficient supply of minerals and vitamins in order to grow healthily. Vitamin like A, B, C, E and protein as well as minerals like magnesium, copper, zinc and selenium are all essential for the growth of eyelashes.
- Consume more fruits such as grapefruit, avocado, papaya, mango, guava and apple.
- Consume more vegetables such as kale, cabbage, broccoli and spinach.
- Consume more whole grains and foods that are rich of protein such as beans, seeds, nuts and legumes. Also alfalfa sprouts is a good choice due to high amount of minerals, vitamins and protein.
- Add coconut oil or olive oil into your daily cooking as they are excellent supplier of healthy fats.
- Consume sufficient fluid on a daily basis.
- Take supplementary pills for extra supply of minerals and vitamins if needed after consulting the doctor.
9. Almond Oil
The antioxidant property as well as vitamin E from almond oil can nourish eyelashes and help them thrive. You can apply the oil onto the eyelashes and keep them overnight. After waking up, you can cleanse them using warm water. Remember to have the eyelashes cleanse every morning to avoid clogged pores as they can stop eyelashes from developing and incur acne for your skin.
10. Petroleum Jelly
It can effectively keep your eyelashes moisturized and avoid dryness. Similar to other oils, you can put them onto the eyelashes and keep them there overnight. It will encourage the hair follicles to grow and make the eyelashes appear voluminous and thick.
11. Brush Your Eyelashes
By brushing the lashes, you can get rid of the dirt and dust which if remained will incur clogged pores on your eyelashes. Furthermore, brushing will promote the circulation of blood toward the hair follicles.
How to use:
- Drop some petroleum jelly or vitamin E oil onto a comb or brush for eyelashes with soft bristle.
- Use them to brush and apply the oil onto the eyelashes.
- Remember to brush with upward strokes from roots to tips of the eyelashes.
- Perform for 5 minutes and twice per day.
12. Eyelid Massage
It is another method for encouraging flow of blood to the hair follicles and promoting nutrient toward them. As a result, it will improve the growth as well as help you avoid breakage or thinning of the eyelashes.
How to use:
- Drop some petroleum jelly, oil or shea butter on the lids.
- Take your finger to massage the lash line and lids in circular motions.
- Perform for at least 5 minutes and twice per day for couples of month.
Note: Remember to cleanse your hands carefully before massaging.
13. Brewer’s Yeast with Vitamin A and B

It is an excellent stimulator for growth of eyelashes. You can put this mixture onto the eyelashes overnight and cleanse them after waking up. However, you need to be extra careful when apply due to the mixture might get into your eyes and cause irritation as well as infections. Also consider avoid this method in case you have sensitive eyes.
14. Avoid Fake Eyelashes
Even though it sounds ridiculous, it is recommended to keep out of fake eyelashes if you want to grow your eyelashes naturally. Fake eyelashes can help you fix your problem temporarily, but in long term, your real eyelashes will be damaged. The process of put on and off fake eyelashes will definitely take off some of the real eyelashes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to avoid fake eyelashes at all-time unless extremely needed.
15. Remove Makeup at Night
All the makeup on your eyes can take negative impact on your eyelashes. Therefore, keep your eyelashes out of makeup can help them grow stronger and thicker. It is recommended to have your makeup removed at night before sleeping, so that your eyelashes can be able to breathe. It is best to take off the makeup as soon as you reach home.
Extra Tips:
- Make sure to use products for eye makeup which come from well-known brands with excellent quality.
- Keep your eyelashes out of the curlers.
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