What is Unwanted Hair?

While the hair in the face of a man is highly appreciated in some cultures, others view it as unaesthetic. In this case, it is called “unwanted hair”. In fact, unwanted hair refers to not only the hair in the face, but also the hair which appears unreasonably in any part of the body. Unwanted hair has significant effects on people’s appearance, especially in the case of women.

What Causes Unwanted Hair?

When it comes to unwanted hair, genetic factor is commonly believed to take full responsibility of this problem. However, it can be caused by other factors, such as the consequence of some medications. Those who suffer from adrenal gland disorders are likely to have unwanted hair as well. Another common cause is hormonal changes which can happen due to pregnancy.

Unwanted hair can be easily removed with waxing or if you can afford, laser treatment is very effective. However, the first way does not guarantee that unwanted hair will come back while the second method is quite expensive. That’s why you need to know about top natural remedies to get rid of unwanted hair at home.

Here are top 15 simple tips on how to get rid of unwanted hair that you could consider applying in order to eliminate the unwanted hair and maintain a young and clean appearance.

1. Egg

Making an egg mask is the first tip on how to get rid of unwanted hair. In addition, it even eradicates the impurities which accumulate on the skin and therefore, prevents skin problems, such as blemishes or acne.

All you need to prepare is an egg, sugar and corn flour.

Take the white egg only and put it in a bowl.
Mix a spoon of sugar and half a spoon of corn flour into the bowl. The paste should be stirred well.
Then, the paste can be applied directly on the areas where there is unwanted hair.
After 20 minutes, use warm water to wash the face.
You should repeat this process several times per week.

2. Lemon and Honey

Lemon juice and honey has the same nature which is sticky and this is very good for the efforts on how to get rid of unwanted hair. Besides, these two ingredients are well-known in the beauty industry because of their ability to make your skin glower. With strong anti-inflammatory quality, lemon and honey can eliminate the bacteria from the skin and prohibit the appearance of age spots as well.

Combine lemon juice and honey with the ratio of 1:4.
The mixture should be applied over the face.
After about 15 minutes, use a soft and clean cloth to soak in warm water and wash the face with it.
This method should be followed more than twice per week.

3. Banana and Oatmeal

The combination of banana and oatmeal is the next recommendation on how to get rid of unwanted hair. Other advantages of these home remedies are to soften the skin and expel the impurities.

A banana should be mashed and oatmeal should be stirred in it.
Get the paste and rub it over the skin.
After 15 minutes, use warm water to wash the skin.
4. Papaya

Papaya is considered as one of the best tips on how to get rid of unwanted hair. Furthermore, there are many different ingredients that can be combined with papaya to remove unwanted hair. The nutrients of papaya can stop the growth of hair as well. This remedy can be used for every kind of skin.

You need to prepare a papaya and powdered turmeric.

Remove the skin of the papaya and cut it into slices.
Some slices of papaya and half a spoon of powdered turmeric should be mixed in a grinder.
Get the paste to rub over the skin.
After 15 minutes, use water to wash the skin.
5. Turmeric

Turmeric itself can be a great tip on how to get rid of unwanted hair. It even provides the skin with some nutrients to get whiter and smoother.

Take 2 spoons of powdered turmeric into a sufficient amount of milk to get a thick paste.
The paste should be applied over the area where there is unwanted hair.
When the paste is dry, remove it from your face.
You may be reluctant to try this remedy because you are afraid of the yellow skin after that. Do not worry! Simply use a cotton ball to soak in the milk and place it on the skin. The yellow coloration will be gone immediately.

6. Rosewater

In addition to its fresh and wonderful smell, rosewater can be very effective in helping you on how to get rid of unwanted hair quickly. Besides, rosewater can also make your skin softer.

You can take advantage of a cotton ball to apply the rosewater over the skin areas affected by unwanted hair in about one hour. After that, you use clean water to wash the face.

7. Blackstrap Molasses

There is a considerable amount of iron and minerals in blackstrap molasses and they are very active in putting the growth of hair under control. Therefore, if you want a solution on how to get rid of unwanted hair, you’d better use blackstrap molasses every day.

8. Onion

Hair removal can be improved with the support of onion. In order to find a solution on how to get rid of unwanted hair in the shortest time, you can combine using onion and basil which have positive effects on the elimination of skin impurities as well.

Prepare two onions and 10 dried basil leaves.
Crush them together to get a paste that should be applied directly over the skin for at least 15 minutes.
Use water to wash the skin.
You ought to follow this remedy a few times per week to get the best results.

9. Potato

Potato serves as a natural bleaching agent and thus, it is one of the best tips on how to get rid of unwanted hair. Its effect is even enhanced significantly if you use the mixture of it and yellow lentil. Another benefit of this mixture is to make your skin lighter.

Firstly, put the lentils under water for one night.
Then, lentils and potato should be grinded together.
You can choose to pour a spoon of raw honey or lemon juice to improve the benefits.
Later, the mixture needs to be rubbed over the areas affected by unwanted hair.
After about 20-30 minutes, the paste becomes dry and you can remove it with your hands.
10. Sugar

With exfoliating quality, sugar is powerful enough to help you on how to get rid of unwanted hair within a short time. When mixed with lemon which has astringent quality, sugar can remove all impurities on the skin with unwanted hair.

Dilute lemon juice by water with the ratio of 1:5.
Put 2 spoons of sugar into the mixture and wait for it to dissolve.
The mixture should be applied on the skin for approximately 20 minutes before you use water to wash it.
11. White Pepper and Camphor

Note: When you apply this combination, a burning sensation can happen in some cases, because your skin may be quite sensitive. But you do not have to worry; it is only a natural reaction. This remedy is the most suitable for those who have unwanted hair in legs.

Overall, white pepper and camphor are a great recommendation for those who want to know how to get rid of unwanted hair.

Prepare powdered white pepper, camphor and almond oil.
Combine the two main ingredients with the equal amount.
Several drops of almond oil should be added.
The mixture should be applied over the areas affected by unwanted hair.
20 minutes later, remove the mixture.
12. Spearmint Tea

Spearmint is one of few natural home remedies you can consume to get rid of unwanted hair. It helps to restore the balance of hormones inside the body, which is the main cause for this problem in most of us.

Mix some spearmint leaves into hot water.
Let the mixture be steeped in several minutes before you strain it.
Consume the tea at least twice per day.
13. Sesame Oil

The use of sesame oil and turmeric can give you a quick hair removal tip.

Prepare an equal amount of powdered turmeric and wheat flour.
Add several drops of sesame oil and mix them properly.
They should be applied over unwanted hair for half an hour before you can remove it.
14. Sleep

In addition to natural home remedies for how to get rid of unwanted hair which can be to apply on the skin, you have to make sure that your time of sleeping is sufficient. Lack of sleep can cause unusual hormonal changes in the body and in that case, despite applying as many tips as possible, you will hardly get rid of unwanted hair completely.

15. Soy

Soy or other products made from soy can provide the body with phytoestrogen, a special substance that limits the growth of hair in different parts of the body. If you want an natural ingredient for how to get rid of unwanted hair as fast as possible, you ought to bring more soy products into your daily meals


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