Doctor Falsely Diagnosed Children With Cancer, Persuaded Parents Into Expensive Private Treatment .

 Doctor Falsely Diagnosed Children With Cancer, Persuaded Parents Into Expensive Private Treatment .
The pediatrician informed three parents that their children had cancer to make them buy expensive tests from his Glassow firm.

A 'financially motivated and dishonest' pediatrician falsely diagnosed 3 children with cancer.
Dr. Mina Chowdhury falsely told parents that their children had cancer so that the parents would end up paying for private treatment. According to The Daily Mail , he told one mother that her child had a stomach tumor. He scared her by saying that if she didn't get it treated it could spread. He gave two other children false diagnoses. Why? To get scans and tests done at his Glassgow firm, Meras Healthcare which was said to be struggling to stay afloat financially.The doctor was a managing director of the private healthcare firm, and his actions were said to be 'financially motivated and dishonest'. At a hearing, the mother of one patient said that the doctor asked her child to leave the room before saying: 'We are going to have a serious conversation. We are going to have a conversation that all parents dread. We are going to talk about the C-word."
 The parent continued, "I was blown away that my daughter had cancer. It's something that had to be dealt with straight away. When I asked him to refer me back to the NHS he refused because they wouldn't stick by him so I didn't think it was an option to get tests done by the NHS. I seriously believed she was that ill. I didn't question him."She claims that she was made to feel like she couldn't approach the NHS or the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. Her daughter was suffering from dizziness, blindness, passing out and chronic weight loss so it just made sense when the so-called medical expert made the diagnosis. She said, "When you have seen your daughter is that ill and you get nowhere, you feel they are turning their back on you. When someone agrees they are in an ill state, you feel someone is trying to help you. I hugged him after the diagnosis that she might have cancer, it was a relief that if it was that bad someone was going to help my child." However, when she took her daughter to A&E medics no signs of cancer were found.Dr. Chowdhury said that he did not tell the parent in question that her daughter had cancer but admitted he said it was a low possibility. He claimed that he never used the expression 'we're going to talk about the C-word' and he said that he did give the parent the option to go to the NHS. The parent said," When he mentioned the 'C-word' to be honest, quite naively I thought he was talking about cash. I thought he'd asked her to leave to talk about finances and I was told it was going to be costly. You never think your child is going to be that ill."
Dr. Chowdhury said the child will need to get blood tests done that cost £3,245 and would need to travel to London for an MRI scan. When her daughter collapsed one time, she decided to take her child to A&E. "When they started treatment, alarm bells started ringing because they couldn't see what Dr. Chowdhury had said," she said, adding, "Then after we'd left [the] hospital I decided I would follow it up with the GMC."The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service finally ruled, after hearing all the evidence involved, that the pediatrician created 'an unwarranted sense of concern' for the three sets of parents and his behavior was 'dishonest' and 'financially motivated'. According to the watchdog, his business was running losses and he didn't refer the child patients to the local NHS pediatric oncology department. A panel will decide if he can continue his practice as a doctor. Tribunal Chair James Newton-Price said, "The Tribunal has made findings that Dr. Chowdhury failed to provide good clinical care to Patients A, B, and C, including findings of fact that he diagnosed cancerous conditions without proper investigation and for which he recommended unnecessary and expensive testing in London. He tried to persuade Parents A, B and C to pay for unnecessary tests in relation to unwarranted cancerous diagnoses. The Tribunal is driven to the inescapable conclusion that Dr. Chowdhury acted as it has found in order to increase the income or reduce the losses of his business and that all his actions were therefore financially motivated."


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