What is Premature Graying of Hair?

This condition is a big concern for young adults from 20s to 30s because gray hair will age them more than they are supposed to look like.

What causes Premature Graying of Hair?

There are numerous factors which cause this condition such as lack of nutrition, fluctuation of hormones, stress with smoking, pollution, unsuitable products for hair, genetic predisposition as well as some particular diseases like sinusitis, chronic colds and thyroid disorders.

The process of turning gray or white of hair is because of low level of melanin which is the pigment in charge of natural color for hair. The activity of melanocyte will decline together with age and the body will eventually cease production of melanin.

Rather than using chemical-laden as well as commercial hair colors for concealing those gray hairs, you can try some natural tips in order to control this condition.

Here are the top 15 most effective home remedies for premature graying of hairwhich are easy for you to apply in order to get rid of gray hairs as well as maintain healthy and young hairs.

1. Indian Gooseberry

The number one tip from the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair is the powerful Indian Gooseberry which is the most recommended ingredient for dealing with various problems of hair like hair loss or thinning hair.

Abundant of antioxidant and vitamin C, this fruit is extremely effective in control the aging of hair. Besides consuming the fruit, you might as well take the pulp or essential oil to apply directly on hair.

How to use:

Take some coconut into a pan and use it to boil some pieces of Indian gooseberry (in case the dried fruit is unavailable, you might use the powder) until the oil turns brown. Allow the oil to cool down then use it to apply directly on scalp and hair. Keep it on overnight or minimum 1 hour before cleansing off. Perform 1 to 2 times per week.
Another way is taking a tablespoon pulp of Indian gooseberry with lemon juice and mix together. Use the mixture to massage scalp before bedtime and cleanse off next morning.
Also you can take amla juice with almond oil in equal amount and a little bit of lime juice to mix together and then apply. This method will promote growth of hair.
2. Curry Leaves

Because of its ability in improving the darker pigmentation of hair, it is an essential ingredient in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair. Furthermore, when mixed with coconut oil, it becomes an excellent hair tonic.

How to use:

Take some fresh curry leaves to boil with a tablespoon of coconut oil until they turn brown. Then have the oil strained.
Use the oil to massage your hair. Then keep it on for about 30 minutes before cleansing off.
Perform 1 to 2 times per week.
Also you might consume its juice daily.

3. Henna

Considered an amazing natural colorant for hair, it is certain that henna should be included in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair.

How to use:

Take some henna leaves to grind into paste. Then put in 3 teaspoons of Indian gooseberry, a teaspoon of coffee powder and some plain yogurt. Apply the mixture onto the hair. Cleanse off after the mixture dries then have your hair shampooed as usual. Perform once every couple of week.
Another way is taking some henna leaves to boil in mustard or coconut oil until the leaves turn brown. Use the oil to apply onto hair.
Also you might make a hair mask from henna by taking some hot black coffee with henna powder to mix together until they have the consistency similar to yogurt. Use it to apply onto your hair and keep it on for 1 – 3 hours. Then have your hair shampooed like normal.
4. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice

Coconut oil is the basic ingredient for hair care as it will maintain moisture, promote hair growth, combat infections and enhance the luster for hair. With antioxidant which can counter gray hair, it is no doubt that coconut oil is always referred as one of the top ingredient in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair. You can find coconut oil among Home Remedies for Hair Loss as well.

How to use:

Take 3 teaspoons of lemon juice into some coconut oil with amount enough for your hair.
Use the mixture to apply directly onto your hair and have your scalp massaged. Keep it on for about 1 hour then have your hair shampooed.
Perform every week.
5. Rosemary and Sage

It is the capability of those herbs in naturally darkening hair that they are presented in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair.

How to use:

Take ½ a cup each of sage and dried rosemary into some boiling water and steep for few hours then have the mixture strained.
Use the solution to rinse the hair after using shampoo. Keep it on for about 15 minutes before cleansing off.
Perform every week.
6. Blackstrap Molasses

With high content of copper which significantly support the hair pigment production, it is a common yet effective ingredient from the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair.

It can provide up to 14% of the requirement for copper daily. Together with magnesium, selenium and iron, you just need to consume a tablespoon daily in the morning for couples of month to obtain the desired result.

7. Onion

The main reason of occurrence of gray hair is due to the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide at hair follicle’s base as well as a decline in the natural antioxidant named catalase. Fortunately, the juice from onion is capable of stimulating the production of that compound. Therefore, it is not over exaggerated that onion is one of the best ingredient in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair.

How to use:

Take some onion juice to apply on the scalp and massage. Then keep it on for at least 30 minutes.
Perform every day for couples of week.
8. Black Tea

This is the simplest tip from the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair. However, it is still as efficient as other methods in darkening the hair as well as softening and making it shine.

How to use:

Take 2 teaspoons of black tea into some boiling water. Put in a teaspoon of salt and let it cool.
Have your hair rinsed using this solution for couples of time. After the final time, keep it on for about 15 minutes.
Then have your hair washed using cold water but no shampoo is used.
Perform 1 to 2 times per week.
Another way is taking some grounded coffee into hair conditioner and then applying onto your hair.

9. Amaranth

This exotic herb from the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair is excellent at fighting against hair loss while preventing premature graying through preserving the natural color for your hair.

How to use:

Have your hair shampooed.
Take some amaranth leaves to extract juice and apply onto scalp and hair.
Have your hair rinsed.
10. Black Sesame Seeds

It is considered magnificent in the world of Chinese medication as well as in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair. It is able to stimulate the activity of melanocyte which will improve the production of melanin.

Furthermore, they are abundant of copper, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron as well as protein. You just need to consume a teaspoon of black sesame seeds every day for about 3 months. Also you might apply sesame oil onto your hair for better effect.

11. Hibiscus Flowers

Possessing many positive effects such as promoting growth of hair, eliminating dandruff, detoxify impurities and toxins as well as slow down the process of graying, it is no doubt that hibiscus is presented in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair.

How to use:

Take 10 to 12 hibiscus flowers into some boiling water.
After boiling for 20 minutes, have it strained.
Have the flowers mashed to form a paste.
Use the paste to apply directly onto the scalp for couples of minutes.
After that, have your scalp rinsed with the boiling water of hibiscus and then normal water.
Finish by shampooing your hair.
Perform 3 times every week.
12. Buttermilk

With similar effects as the curry leaves; however, if you have oily hair, then this ingredient is your ideal option from the list of home remedies for premature graying hair.

How to use:

Take some curry leaves to extract juice.
Then take ½ a cup of curry juice into ½ a cup of buttermilk. In order to prepare buttermilk, beat plain yogurt with some water then have the butter removed.
Have the mixture boiled on low heat for about 5 minutes.
Allow it to cool down and use it to massage the scalp.
Keep it on for 30 minutes.
Then cleanse off using water.
Perform regularly.
13. Ridge Gourd

With the capability of revitalization as well as pigment restoration for hair’s root, it would be a huge loss to not include it in the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair.

How to use:

Take some dry pieces of ridge gourd to soak in coconut oil for about 3 days.
Have the ridge gourd and the oil boiled on low heat until the oil turn brown.
Have the mixture strained and use the oil to massage scalp.
Then keep it overnight or about 3 hours during daytime.
Perform 3 times every week.
14. Alfalfa

The last tip from the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair is the exotic herb called alfalfa. It contains various minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins (A, B1, B6, C, E and K) as well as proteins and carotene which are incredibly beneficial for the growth and strength of hair.

How to use:

Take alfalfa juice with carrot juice and lettuce to blend into smoothie.
Consume every day.
15. Shikakai (Acacia concinna)

The last ingredient from the list of home remedies for premature graying of hair belongs to shikakai. You can take 3 to 4 pods of shikakai with 10 to 12 soap nut seeds to soak in water overnight. Have them boiled and stored in bottle to be used as shampoo. Take some pieces of amla to soak and boil to make the conditioner. This combination can take care of various problems related to hair such as hair loss, thinning, dullness and most importantly, graying.


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