The only true measure of success is the ratio between what we might have done and what we might have been on the one hand, and the things we have done and the things we have made of ourselves on the other.

- H. G. Wells

The Law of Correspondence is perhaps the most important of all laws in determining your success or failure in life. As we've discussed in previous chapters, this law says that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. It says that whatever you are on the inside, you will soon see the results of it on the outside. When you change your thinking, you change your life.

       This law applies to everything you do. Your inner world of knowledge and preparation will determine your outer world of income and career success.Your inner world of personality development will determine your outer world of friendships and relationships.Your inner attitudes toward health and fitness will determine the condition of your physical body.Your inner beliefs and expectations will determine your outer attitudes and your behaviors toward other people.Your outer world will always reflect your inner world. 


Aristotle, perhaps the greatest of the philosophers, wrote more than 2,300 years ago that the ultimate aim of all human action is happiness. He concluded that everything a person does is to achieve happiness of some kind. Sometimes they are successful, and sometimes they are unsuccessful, but happiness is always the target each person aims at. 

       He concluded that every act is merely an interim step in the direction of happiness. For example, you want to get a good job.Why? So you can earn good money.Why? So you can get a comfortable home and a nice car.Why? So you can have good relationships and a nice family. Why? So that you can have a satisfying home life. Why? The final answer, the ultimate goal, is so that you can be happy. Everything that you or anyone else does is aimed at happiness, however you define it and however successful you are at achieving it. 


One of Aristotle's greatest insights on the subject of happiness was his conclusion that ''Only the good can be happy, and only the virtuous can be good.'' 

       This is one of the most important observations in the history of human thought and experience. ''Only the good can be happy, and only the virtuous can be good.'' 

       What I have found in my many years of research into philosophy and psychology is that only people who are genuinely good inside can be happy for any period of time. And in my years of study of the foundation qualities of self-confidence, I have found that only men and women with clear, positive values are able to develop the kind of unshakable self-confidence that makes it possible for them to deal effectively with anything that happens to them. 

       The fastest way for you to build or to regain your self-confidence is to become absolutely clear about your deepest values and convictions, and then begin to live by them. The solution to almost all human problems is a return to values. In many ways, your unhappiness and stress are caused by your drifting away from doing and saying the things that you know are right. 


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