How wrinkles appear

How wrinkles appear

Wrinkle formation takes place gradually. At first they appear on the forehead, then away from the nose to the chin, at the outer corners of the eyes, and finally, on the neck, nose, chin and upper lip. Wrinkles may be formed at people of all ages. Sometimes they appear in a youth.

So, why is this?

Different habits that cause frequent reduction of facial muscles. For example manner of wrinkle brow, squints, the way to laugh also contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Some people laugh is a sharp reduction of facial muscles, and formed during laughter wrinkles disperse all over his face.

Incorrect position of the head during sleeping. Many people sleep enclosing under head high pillows. Head at the same time is leaning on the chest and there are wrinkles on the neck and chin.

Previous infectious, chronic diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, female, gastrointestinal and other diseases lower the overall resistance of the body, reduces the elasticity of the skin, and it begins to shrink.

The external factors. Excessive exposure to the sun, the air temperature fluctuations, its excessive dryness or humidity.

Wrinkles also reflect age-related changes of the skin. Already in the twenties the skin starts to fade. Between 30 and 40 years, the number of wrinkles increases significantly and reaches a maximum of 55-60 years.

The skin in elderly people undergoing significant changes - it loses its density and elasticity. This dramatically act cheekbones, clearly revealed nasolabial wrinkles increases the volume of the chin, neck, back of the head. Deceptive opinion that for a thorough skin care should begin with the appearance of wrinkles. This should be done much earlier.


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