a man traveled nearly 1500 miles to surprise his girlfriend, on her birthday. but found her under the arm of another man.

Long-distance relationships are not easy,
as one die-hard romantic in China recently discovered. A video shared on Twitter and Weibo has gone viral, showing a man in a bear costume roll up at a food stall to surprise his girlfriend, only to find her curled up with another man. The couple was in a long-distance relationship, and the man traveled nearly 1500 miles to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday, MSN reports.
To make the day extra special, he decided to don a teddy bear suit with a massive head for the occasion, as one does. The incident went viral on Twitter after being shared by @T_Radiosonde, who posted a series of photos of the incident.
A video of the incident shows the man take off his bear head, at which point the girl suddenly notices him and shrugs off the other man REALLY quickly to chase after the now-horrified and dejected bear, trying to offer him hugs even as he attempts to shake her off just like a real bear would shake off an annoying fly. Meanwhile, the man has put his bear head back on, presumably to hide his tears.
Obviously, because this is the internet, nothing can be properly verified. But several Redditors claim that the thwarted man was home from military service and just wanted to surprise his girlfriend. One Redditor, u/ismokecrayolas, claimed to be the bear-suited man's friend, writing: That poor guy being cheated on from the video is my close friend. I took him out for hot pot and beer. He decided to take a rest. We are gonna get him through this. The same friend also claimed that the man in the bear suit earned extra money outside of his job taking pictures with people in the city square.

The tweet that broke the story beyond Reddit has over 83,000 likes at this point, and several responses lamenting the situation. "Don't believe in long-distance relationships it always fails nowadays near people are cheating don't believe anyone," said one person, while another commented, "Completely heartbroken. He deserves better." Redditor u/Thatguywhokills2 commented on the video, saying, "Imagine having to go back to doing your job after that." Another Redditor said, "The way he puts his head back on with his head hung in sadness is heartbreaking." Well, they're not wrong. I guess not all surprises are good, even in romance. Especially in romance.


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