Black Woman Was Allegedly Asked To Give Up A Seat For A White Man In A Restaurant.

Black Woman Was Allegedly Asked To Give Up A Seat For A White Man In A Restaurant--Lia Gant was at the J.Alexander eatery in Bloomfield, Michigan when the bartender asked her to give up the seat she was holding for a friend.

 An African- American man who was at the restaurant and tried to intervene was called a racial slur. He said the restaurant had a "culture of racism"At a time when matters of race have become an explosive topic in the country, an alleged incident of racial profiling and discrimination at a restaurant in Michigan is getting national and world attention. It all happened at J Alexander, a popular eatery in Bloomfield Township where Lia Gant, a woman had gone on June 20. She said she was holding a seat for her friend who had gone to the bathroom. A bartender at the restaurant, however, asked Gant to give up the seat for a white man. She could not believe what she was hearing and obviously refused. The bartender proceeded to take the drink from her and pour it out. Speaking at a press conference, Gant said, "I was racially profiled. I was told to move out of my seat for two other white men to be seated" according to an Insider report.

At the same time, she went straight up to the management of the restaurant to complain. However, instead of taking action against the employee and apologizing, they did not help at all according to Gant. She said, "I immediately got up and went to management and she said I shouldn't be upset because the drink wasn't thrown on me". In a post on her Facebook account about the incident, Gant wrote about how the restaurant "protected" not only the employee but even the customers who she claimed exited through the back door when the police reached the restaurant.

This needs to end. The Manager did not make the situation better, instead, she told me to call someone else and she had to protect her employees. Gant also talked about how she was called out by her name several times as she exited the restaurant. She wrote: I was trying to exit. I was then told they snuck the thug out the back so he could avoid the police. Wow. Along with her post, she also recorded a bit of the incident. It shows a few seconds of commotion at the restaurant although one cannot exactly place what is going on.

Black Woman Accuses Michigan Restaurant of Racial Profiling

“I was racially profiled. I was told to move out of my seat for two other white men to be seated,” Lia Gant asserted at a press conference. @nrojas0131

— The North Star (@TheNorthStar) June 29, 2019
Black woman, Lia Gant, says she was asked to give up her seat, at Bloomfield, Michigan restaurant for white men, and her drink was poured down the drain, when she told the manager, and the bartender refused to serve her
It does, however, show a man throwing food at another person, an African American man named Jerrick Jackson who tried to intervene on Gant's behalf. They did not know each other beforehand. There is another short video of what appears to be the bartender because Gant addresses her as the person "who treated me like trash". In her post, she also talked about not wanting an "African American man attacked by the police". Gant was at the press conference with her attorneys and Jackson, this week.
nference with her attorneys and Jackson, this week.

@jalexanders Are you not going to address allegations that Lia Gant was refused service to cater to white male patrons, had her drink dumped by the bartender, yet still made to pay for it by management. Or the mob of employees and guests harass and throw food at her upon leaving?
And what did Lia Gant do to get kicked out and have another customer throw food at her.
Jackson alleged that he was also discriminated against that same night according to WXYZ. "That's not coincidental. This restaurant has a culture of racism," alleged Jackson. He said that he was humiliated with a racial slur by a white man who also threw food at him. He also said that this was indicative of a larger pattern of discrimination. Jackson said he tried to intervene in Gant's situation when things became especially intense.

No. It’s all laid out in link above. Excerpt:

"…white bartender asked Lia Gant and her friend to give up their seats at the bar for two white men…

When Gant refused, the bartender…poured [her drink] down the sink.

Gant…paid the bill after the manager refused to remove it."

In a statement to Insider, a spokesperson for J. Alexander's said "no guest was racially profiled" that evening. The spokesperson also said Gant and her friends were offered a table away from the bar and they did not take it. "Further exacerbating the incident was the misbehavior of a male guest, who approached our manager and began shouting in a disruptive manner, uttering profanity and insults to members of staff," according to the statement.

The restaurant also said in an effort "to separate the two parties and defuse the altercation to the best of their ability" they let patrons through the front door and not the back. "We are proud of our track record of non-discrimination during the 21 years we have been a member of the community and look forward to continuing to serve our guests with outstanding food and service," the statement concluded.


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