Home Remedies For Headache

Use ice pack to relieve headache 
Headaches can be concentrated in a particular part of the  or can disseminate in the surrounding muscles and areas. Apply ice packs to the head or tie a wet cloth around the forehead.

Sandalwood to cure headache 
Apply sandalwood paste thickly on the forehead. Headaches do take some time to subside with this remedy but it also calms the strained nerve endings in the optical region.

Avoid alcohol consumption 
Avoid consuming excessive alcohol. Hangovers can trigger cluster headaches. Have sweet lime soda to beat the pain.

Drink red wine during menstural cycle 
Headaches are also a by-product of major hormonal changes or imbalances during menstrual cycles in women. Drinking red wine in such cases does a lot to help.

Take ample rest 
Stay calm and close your eyes while you lie flat on your back in a dark room. Catch up on that much-needed sleep for a while.

Head massage to relieve headache 
Massaging your head with tea tree oil helps soothe strained nerves. This also works for headaches caused from sinus infections.

Henna to treat headache 
Apply a thick layer of freshly prepared henna to your forehead and leave it on for half an hour. This helps to cure headaches caused by an over-exposure to heat.

Vegetable juice to cure headache 
Add two spinaches, one cucumber, one beet and five large carrots in the juicer and strain it to a glass. Add ice-cubes and sugar if required and sip it chilled. This is the most natural and the easiest way to cure headaches without resorting to allopathic medicines.

Cinnamon to treat headache 
Grind cinnamon into a paste and apply it around the nasal area and eyes cautiously. This cures sinus headaches.

Vicks vapour rub and basil leaves 
Dip your legs in hot water and add one scoop of Vicks vapour rub and a handful of basil leaves to the water. Follow this routinely for a minimum of two weeks before going off to sleep.

Avoid stress on eyes 
Refrain from physical activities and straining of eyes when suffering from a headache. Often stress increases the intensity of headaches that can last for a couple of hours.

Chew ajwain to cure headache 
The juices of ajwain can cure headaches caused from stress.

Betel leaves for headache 
Chewing betel leaves is one of the most ancient forms of relieving headaches. The juice in the betel leaves have cooling properties.


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