What Is Attachment Parenting?

You may have heard that attachment parenting is way of raising a family in an exclusively child-centred way. 

Some attachment-parenting advocates focus on the 'three Bs' approach: breastfeeding, babywearing and bed-sharing. These parents may carry on practising the three Bs until their children decide they don't want them any more.

In fact, attachment parenting has a wider meaning than this. It's easy to do it yourself and it doesn't mean you have to breastfeed for years or share your bed with your growing child. 

Attachment parenting was devised in the 1950s by psychologist John Bowlby. Bowlby’s attachment theory aims to help you, as a parent, ensure that your baby grows up to be emotionally secure. 

Through his work, Bowlby realised that babies have a fundamental need for safety at the start of their life. For your baby, this safety comes from being with you, because you'll protect her and look after her. This is the starting point for her to develop a secure attachment to you. 

Bowlby saw physical closeness in the early weeks and months as especially important. Keeping your baby near you means you'll be able to swiftly respond when she needs you, letting her know you're there for her. 

By responding sensitively to your baby, you will help her to feel calm and soothed. Over time, this helps her to develop the ability to regulate her own emotions.

When your baby is tiny, it can be hard to know what she needs from you. Here are the ways you can meet her needs: 

Breastfeed your baby on demand. As well as nourishing her, you'll be comforting her with your familiar smell and the warmth of your skin.
If you're bottle-feeding, hold her close, look into her eyes, and watch for cues that she's had enough milk.
You could try babywearing, by keeping your baby next to your body in a sling.
Sleep in the same room as your baby, for at least the first six months, so you can respond to her quickly at night.
Chat with and sing to your baby when she's alert and content, following her cues so that she feels heard and listened to.
Treat your baby’s cries, and as she grows, her tantrums, as her way of communicating. She is asking for your help when she cries, and your guidance and reassurance when she has a tantrum.
Through these early experiences your baby will build up a store of memories of being cared for. These memories will provide the building blocks for her future emotional health. 

A secure attachment to you will provide your baby with positive experiences of relationships. This helps her to have a strong sense of self and a resilience that enables her to cope with the ups and downs of life as she grows.

Your baby will learn from you about how to behave if you respond to her with empathy. She will develop the emotional resources to think about other people. She will learn to become compassionate herself when she's older. 

Some people think that attachment parenting is all about becoming a martyr to your child. Opponents of attachment parenting argue that: 

Children brought up in this style may be too demanding, expecting to have everything their own way.
Parents may become stressed and exhausted trying to meet their child’s every need.
Babies who have all their needs met without having to communicate what they want may be less likely to explore. They may also not learn to manage their frustrations.

However, attachment parenting doesn't mean that you become a slave to your child. You have needs to balance, too. And, as time goes on, your child won't need such physical closeness all the time. As she grows, she'll be interested in making friends and forging other relationships. But she'll still need to know you're always there for her. You'll be doing well as a parent if you adapt to the changing needs of your child over time. 

So, when your baby is newborn, she needs your physical closeness to feel safe. When she's nine months old, she will need to use you as a secure base to crawl away from and come back to. 

As you adapt to your growing child you're likely to have your own conflicting emotions. Feelings of relief and sadness are likely to be stirred up as your child gradually needs you less. But you'll know that a secure emotional foundation is also helping her to manage in the world and know who she is as a person.


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