Unwanted hair growth on the face can pose an embarrassing concern for most women, particularly as they are aged and the estrogen levels in their body change because of menopause. Health issues, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), another hormone condition, or adrenal gland disorders are supposed to be the result of facial hair. In many specific cases of situation, the undesired facial hair growth can be caused by cancer from the adrenal gland or ovaries and a tumor.

Facial hair is commonly found on the forehead, chin, upper lips or cheek that has a negative impact on any woman’s beauty. To gain confidence, most people are seeking for helps from a number of chemical – laden hair removal products without knowing that they can cause harm and thereby damaging the sensitive skin in long – term. As a result, the best ways to help get rid of facial hair permanently are using natural treatments. Even though those home remedies can take you a long time to achieve favorable outcomes, they can protect you from any side affect.

Following are 10 powerful tips on how to remove facial hair permanently and naturally that should be taken into consideration.

1. Fenugreek Seeds

Apart from curing some health problems, fenugreek seeds are one of the most common permanent hair removals that will be worth your effort later thanks to its natural components.

How to apply:

Prepare green gram and fenugreek seeds in equal quantities and then grind them to make a powder form
Mix them together and add water to make a paste
Apply the paste on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes
Rub the paste off with a soft dry cloth
2. Lemon Juice and Honey

Lemon juice and honey mask can help you with unwanted facial hair removal since they are sticky in nature. According to a study, the lemon juice works wonder as an exfoliating and a cleaning property while the honey can aids in softening the hair thanks to its moisturizing and hydrating agents.

Additionally, honey is packed with an antibacterial and anti – inflammatory, which help relieve skin irritation. Due to its bleaching effect, lemon juice is beneficial for lightening the facial hair and skin.

How to apply:

Add fresh lemon juice to honey in 1:4 ratio
Spread it on your fact and wait for 20 minutes
Rub off the mask by a washcloth dipped in warm water
Repeat the treatment twice per week within a couple of month
3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can effectively answer your question on how to remove facial hair naturally without demanding for any chemical hair removal products. Oatmeal can help you eliminate facial hair growth and keep your skin staying smooth, soft and hydrated, followed by its quality of protecting your skin from harmful UV rays.

How to apply:

Add 8 drops of lemon juice and a half teaspoon of oatmeal to one tablespoon honey to create a paste
Rub the paste on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes
Massage your face gently for 5 minutes to fight with the development of hair growth
Rinse it off with water
Repeat the treatment for thrice per week

Mash one ripe banana and mix it with 2 teaspoons of oatmeal to create a paste
Apply the paste on your face in a circular motion in 15 minutes
Wash it off with water
4. Wheat Bran

Wheat Bran has been shown to be effective for your over health condition and traditionally applied in a wide variety of natural cosmetic supplements. One of the most incredible health benefits of wheat bran is to remove facial hair permanently that should not be looked down on.

How to apply:

Mix a teaspoon of rose water, 2 teaspoons of wheat bran with a teaspoon of milk
Apply the mixture on your face and scrub until the mask gets dry
Wash it off with clean water
Repeat it for thrice per week
This remedy not only reduces facial hair growth but also seizes wrinkles.

5. Spearmint Tea

A recent research has stated that excessive hair growth is often contributed to the abundant formation of androgen in each body. Spearmint tea is potential for regulating the hormone levels. Moreover, this herbal tea can help women with hirsutism, as a suggested study by Turkish researchers.

How to apply:

Add one teaspoon of dried spearmint to a glass of boiled water
Place the mixture in a container and let it steep for about 10 minutes
Strain and consume the tea
Drink the herbal treatment two times per day
6. Chickpea Flour

Chickpea flour is another natural facial hair removal that helps exfoliate the skin as well as remove the dead skin and hair potentially. In addition, it enables to lighten the skin and facial hair.

How to apply:

Mix several ingredients, including chickpea flour, mill cream, fresh milk and turmeric to make a thick paste
Rub it on your face and leave it on for 30 minutes before it completely dries
Scrub your face with a facial loofah pad or a soft cloth soaked in warm water
Do the treatment for four times within a week for one month

Mix one teaspoon of chickpea flour, a half teaspoon of yogurt or rose water with a little amount of turmeric powder to create a paste
Spread the paste on the face and leave it on for 25 minutes until it gets dry
Scrub the face to rub it off the paste and unwanted hair
Do the process when needed to get rid of facial hair growth permanently
7. Tea Tree and Lavender Oil

If hirsutism is responsible for facial hair, then a combination of tea tree and lavender oil can be powerful to reduce facial hair because they possess anti – androgenic effects.

How to apply:

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of lavender oil
Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and rub it over your face
Repeat the process thrice per day within 3 months for better results
You can apply the mixture on any other part of your body where you want to get rid of the discomfort caused by facial hair.

8. Papaya

Papaya helps you tackle the problem of how to get rid of facial hair safely and effectively. This healthy fruit serves as natural bleach and gives you a hand to lighten undesired facial hair.

How to apply:

Add a half teaspoon of turmeric powder to a fresh papaya pulp
Massage it gently on your face and wait for 20 minutes.
Wash it off with clean water
Repeat the process once daily
9. Sugar Wax

Sugar is widely known as one of the traditional waxes that eliminate effectively facial hair growth and is create from natural ingredients.

How to apply:

Heat one cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of water together in a saucepan for several minutes until they can completely dissolve and the solution becomes darker in colour
Apply the mixture over the face with a spatula
Put a cloth to strip over the wax and use your fingers to smooth it
Repeat the process as it is needed
You can also add a few drops of honey.

Note: If the mixture is removed along with the same direction as the hair growth, it can lead to less irritation.

10. Onion – Basil Leaves

Other facial hair removal for women that should not be ignored comes from the combination of onion and basil leaves.

How to apply:

Prepare the transparent membranes of 2 onions
Crush them with some raw fresh basil leaves
Apply it on your face
Repeat the same process for one month until you notice some positive results


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