What is Razor Burn?

Shaving is a common method for both men and women to get rid of their unwanted hair. However, there is a major consequence of this method which is razor burn. Razor burn implies a burning sensation (a red rash) happens when they shave the hair. Sometimes people can suffer from the itchiness.

For men, they can have razor burn while shaving their faces. As for women, shave their legs and armpits also can cause them razor burn. There are many different causes of razor burn such as using hard soap, dull blade, sensitive skin, etc.

Although razor burn may discomfort people, there are some easy ways to treat it quickly.

Here are the top 15 simple home remedies for how to get rid of razor burn fast that you can easily try from home in order to help you heal razor burn fast and effectively…

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered the best solution for how to get rid of razor burn. It has the anti-inflammatory property that can help reducing the burning sensation. Moreover, it also reduces the itchy feeling which happens when people shave. The acetic acid in the vinegar is also good for getting rid of infection.

Apply a cotton ball which is soaked in apple cider vinegar on the affected skin.
Wait until it dries then clean it off by water.
Do this from two times to three times per day.
Note: Sensitive skinned people need dilute the apple cider vinegar by water before applying.

Apple cider vinegar is the most popular home remedies for daily issues similar to razor burn such as bad breath… 

2. Cold Compress

To get relief instantly from the razor burn, a cold compress is absolutely an effective way. It reduces the redness as well as does not allow the razor bumps to form. Moreover, it also can reduce the inflammation and soothe the affected area 

Prepare a thin towel then wrap some ice cubes in it.
Place the towel onto the affected area for a few minutes.
Another way is soaking a towel in cold water and then placing it onto the affected area.
Perform these actions several times per day.
Note: Use cold water right after shaving to prevent razor burn.

Cold compress has proven to be an effective against skin rash related problems.

3. Aspirin

Aspirin can be found in any home and it is another simple method for how to get rid of razor burn. Aspirin has the anti-inflammatory property which can reduce the redness.

Dip 2 aspirins in warm water (1 teaspoon).
Wait until it transform into paste.
Rub it on the affected area.
Wait for 10 minutes and then clean it off with warm water.
Do this twice per day.
Note: People who have sensitive skin should not use this kind of treatment.

Besides the anti-inflammatory property, aspirin is also useful with its anti-swollen property.

4. Black Tea

Some people might only know the function of black tea bags as making daily. However, not many people know that it can also help you on how to get rid of razor burn. The tannic acid appeared in tea can reduce inflammation and redness.

Make a black tea wet with warm water.
Let the tea bag cool down outside or put it into the fridge for 5 to 10 minutes.
Directly apply the tea bag onto the affected area for 2 to 3 minutes.
Do this several times per day.
5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can be used to reduce the razor burn. The cooling and soothing characteristic of Aloe Vera can relieve you instantly from inflammation. Additionally, it also moisturizes the skin. Therefore, the healing procedure can be speeded up

Take an Aloe Vera leaf and extract fresh gel from it.
Directly apply the gel on the skin which is affected.
Wait for few minutes and then wash it off using cold water.
Perform this action 2 or 3 times per day for couples of day.
6. Honey

Honey can also be used to treat razor burn because of its anti-bacterial property. It can reduce inflammation and moisturize the skin. Moreover, honey can also prevent the area from being infected.

Directly apply honey to the affected area.
Wait until it dries and then wash it off with cold water.
Another way is mixing honey (one-half teaspoon) and plain yogurt (one teaspoon).
Apply this mixture on the irritated skin and wait for 15 minutes.
Rinse it off with warm water.
Do any of these treatments three to four times a day.
7. Baking Soda

Baking soda can be seen as one of the old-fashioned treatment for razor burn because of its anti-inflammatory property. In addition to that, it relieves itching as well as reduces redness.

Mix baking soda (one tablespoon) in one cup of water.
Apply a cotton ball which is soaked in this solution and apply it on the affected skin.
Wait for five minutes and then wash it off with cool water.
Repeat two or three times per day.
8. Cucumber

Cucumber helps treat the razor burn thanks to its hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, it consists of vitamin C and K – two ingredients which relieve pain and itchiness.

Use a cucumber and put the slices in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Rub these slices on the razor burn for 10 minutes.
Do this several times until it heals.
9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has the anti-inflammatory as well as soothing properties that can help reducing the discomfort of having razor burn.

Mix oatmeal with plain yogurt in equal amounts and then add honey.
Directly apply it onto the affected area.
Wait for 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
Do this one to two times a day for two to three days.
10. Tea Tree Oil

Consisting of anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, tea tree oil is absolutely another effective way to heal the razor burn.

Add tea tree oil (5 drops) to water (2 tablespoons). Apply it to the affected area. Wait for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Do this twice a day.
Another way is adding tea tree oil (two or three drops) to olive oil (one tablespoon). Apply it on the irritated area. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off.
11. Milk and Cucumber

These 2 ingredients can become an effective home remedies for treating razor burn.

Mix cucumber (1/2) and milk (1/2 cup).
Put this paste in the fridge to cool it.
Apply this paste on the affected area.
Wait for 10 minutes.
Wash it off with cool water.
12. Witch Hazel

Because of its natural cooling property, witch hazel can be useful in treating the problems relating to skin.

Apply a few drops of witch hazel on the shaved skin.
Do this several times until it heals.
13. Apply Heat on the Bumps

Applying heat on the razor bumps might be one of the treatments.

Apply a hot compress on the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes can kill germs that might try to find the way to damage your skin.

14. Anti-Bacterial and Antibiotic Creams

People can heal infection with the application of the antibacterial and antibiotic creams every day.

Note: Asking the pharmacist before applying any kinds of creams.

15. Hydro-Cortisone Cream

Hydro-cortisone cream can absolutely reduce redness which is caused by inflammation. It soothes the skin and decrease the itching sensation, which can quickly help you treating the razor burn.

Applying these kinds of treatments can help you treat the razor burn fast. The ingredients can be easy to find, so it is simple for you to apply.


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