What is Head Lice?

First of all, head lice is a fairly common condition and it is not a sign of lack hygiene.

Head lice is a type of insect which is wingless and has the length of only 1.6 millimeters. They inhabit closely to the scalp and also they used to lay eggs which is known as nits. Especially, head lice require blood from your scalp to live and develop; therefore, it cannot survive once it falls off your head.

Furthermore, head lice does not exclude anyone at any age or gender, it is most commonly found in kids between the age of 3 and 14.

Symptoms of Head Lice

The most common ones will be the sensation of something crawling as well as itchiness and red bumps appears on your scalp.

What Causes Head Lice?

Head lice can be spread through contact directly with contaminated hair through combs and brushes or bed sheets and clothing.

In case, one of your family members is caused with head lice, he/she will need to be treated immediately to prevent spreading. Methods such as nit pick and using nit comb can be effective as well. Head lice can be treated completely if they are spotted and taken care as earliest as possible.

Also, with the help of natural ingredients around your kitchen, you can make some truly effective home remedies for head lice. Don’t bother to ask the advice of any doctor or take any chemical medicine. You yourself can fight against this hateful disease.

Here are the top 15 most effective home remedies for head lice which you can apply easily at home in order to get rid of this awful disease as well as get yourself a strong and healthy scalp.

1. Garlic

The powerful smell of this ingredient can make lice stuffed, entirely eradicating them.

Mash some cloves of garlic into a thick paste and combine it with lime juice.
Rub the mixture so that it can cover on your head skin totally.
Let it steep for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with tepid water as normal.
Another ways is creating a thick paste by mixing pure garlic juice with a teaspoon of cooking oil, lemon juice, green tea and several drops of shampoo and conditioner. Incubate the hair entirely with the paste by a towel or a plastic hat for 30 minutes. Then rinse off your hair with your normal shampoo. Act like this one time per day in some weeks without break. It is one of the most intricate home remedies for head lice. However, your ailment will improve significantly.

2. Baby Oil

It is reckoned as one of the easiest wholesome home remedies for head lice. What you prepare is taking baby oil, laundry detergent and several teaspoons of white vinegar. It is proven that baby oil gives you a significant helping hand in killing terrible mites.

Pour some baby oil into your hair and then use a nit comb to scratch your hair gently so that lice are thrown away from your skin.

After that, rinse off your hair with laundry detergent and lukewarm water.
Prior to going to the bed, stain several white vinegar on your head skin and coat your head with plastic hat. Let it steep overnight.
In the next morning, rinse off your hair with normal shampoo and then wash again with some conditioner.
Act like this for some times to obtain a satisfied result.
3. Olive Oil

Olive oil will assist you remarkably in easing your pain caused by mites.

Rub fresh organic olive oil on your head skin generously before sleeping. Cover up by a plastic hat and let it steep overnight. In the morning, use a nit comb to dispel all lice and their eggs and then rinse off your hair with some shampoo extracted from tea tree oil.
Another choice is combining one-half cup of olive oil with one-half cup of conditioner and add some shampoo into this mixture. Rub this association on your head skin and let it sit 30 minutes. After that, wash your hair with conditioner. With some action of combing, all mites will disappear. Try to implement for as many times as possible per week. You will realize the dramatically positive result in no time.
Besides getting rid of head lice, apply essential oil on your scalp can help you treat dry scalp condition extremely well.

4. Salt

Salt has anti-bacterial and anti-swelling properties, hence you can use it as a treatment of head lice.

Dissolve one-quarter cup of salt into one-quarter cup of vinegar entirely.
Gently stain the mixture onto your hair until the entire hair is damp. Wear a towel or a plastic hat and let it steep 30 minutes
Then rinse off your hair as normal.
Act like this in three continuous days.
5. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly can have a stifling effect on getting rid of lice.

Rub this substance on your scalp before bedtime.
Coat your head with a plastic hat and let it sit overnight.
In the morning, wash your hair with baby oil to eradicate mites.
Use a nit comb to get rid of all hateful lice.
Act like this frequently for some consecutive nights.
It is one of the simplest home remedies for head lice, right?

6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil is classified as a type of wholesome insecticide, making it an optimal treatment of head lice.

Take one teaspoon of tea tree oil as well as one ounce of natural shampoo and three tablespoons of coconut or olive oil.
Rub the mixture gently all your hair and coat your hair with a clean cloth and a plastic hat. Let it steep 30 minutes and then wash off your hair with tepid water.
After that, use a nit comb to throw away all mites when your hair is damp.
7. Coconut Oil

The wholesome coconut oil will halt mites from mobilize around freely, impeding it from spreading.

Initially, wash off your hair entirely with apple cider vinegar and let it dry.
Then rub the hair and scalp with coconut oil. Coat your hair with clean cloth or a plastic hat for couples of hour.
Finally, rinse off your hair as normal.
Act like this several times per week. To intensify this healing process, you can add more other oil such as tea tree oil, lavender oil and eucalyptus oil with coconut oil. Mites will be overwhelmed by the fragrance of these ingredients.
Using coconut oil not only help you get rid of head lice but also help you improve the thickness of your hair significantly.

8. White Vinegar

Another optimal and cheap method on how to get rid of head lice is white vinegar. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help kill lice and their eggs efficiently.

Dissolve white vinegar with the same amount of water.

Wet your head with the mixture and then coat your hair by a plastic hat for several hours. Soak a comb into a bowl of white vinegar and use it on your head. You can repeat whenever you want.

Vinegar is remarkably good for hair and scalp problems such as head lice as well as dandruff.

9. Sesame Seed Oil

With the outstanding properties of this oil, it can make a perfect home remedy for head lice to give you helpful assistance in eliminating mites.

Mix each kind of oil with one teaspoon. Remember to take as many types of oil as possible.
After applying the oil, wash again your hair with apple cider vinegar and let it dry.
The lice will disappear via the flow of washing water.
Act like this some times per week.
10. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise consists lots of oil, which has anti-fungal property that will make living head lice stuffed.

Rub a handful of this ingredient on your hair and incubate with a plastic hat. And then, wash off your hair as normal. Repeat some times in several consecutive days. It is considered as one of the optimal home remedies for head lice.

11. Listerine

Mouthwash you use daily that contains powerful agents helping get rid of lice safely and efficiently. Take some of Listerine mouthwash and rub on the baby’s scalp. Then you rinse your child’s head with the shampoo. You’ll notice the difference immediately.

12. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is reckoned as a wholesome treatment of head lice and their eggs from your hair because of its acidic properties. It’s also good for impeding an infestation if lice start out-breaking.

Rub a glass of pure lemon juice on your head skin. Let it steep half hour, then wash your head with vinegar and then with tepid water. You will see the better improvement after a week.

There is also another way for killing all lice and their eggs, you should combine lemon juice with vinegar. Then apply it onto your head and coat with a plastic hat. After that, wash your head with shampoo as normal in the next morning.

13. Onion

Onion can get rid of this ailment for sure due to richness in sulfur which can make effective home remedy for head lice.

Mash some onions into juice. Rub it on your head and let it sit overnight by a towel or shower cap.
Rinse off your hair as normal.
Use a nit comb to dispel lice and their eggs.
Act like this in some continuous weeks until your ailment condition is improved.
14. Neem

Neem coming from India has anti-inflammatory property. It is effective in confronting with mites. It can alleviate irritation caused by mites efficiently.

Apply the grounded neem to your hair and cover up by a plastic hat. Let it steep for 2 hours. And then wash off your hair with shampoo and conditioner as normal.

It is one of the most affordable home remedies for head lice.

15. Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol consists of 70 % of isopropyl or organic alcohol, can effectively eradicate lice and their eggs. This strong disinfectant is extremely good to use.

Mix over a tub or basin and take a little rubbing alcohol to your head skin.
Massage all your head.
Let it sit for some hours.
Add more conditioner.
Use a nit comb to dispel all mites.
Wash your hair as normal
You can realize its effect after several days.
Time and determination will be required in order to treat your ailment. Try to mix some home remedies for head lice to get better results.


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