federal government to commence payment of all registered citizens

Great news for Nigeria, federal government to commence payment of all registered citizens

Will the federal government of Nigeria start paying all it's citizens??
According to the national budget of Nigeria

The major surces of revenue can be divided into two sources (arguably three sources) which are:
crude oilsources.
Non crude oilsources.
External borrowing and foreign aids( this is the arguable source)
Nigeria is a country,
located in West Africa. The official name of the country is the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The country has a population of 188,462,640 people, making it the 7th most populous country in the world. In terms of area, it is the 32nd largest country at 356,669 square miles. The country is a federal presidential republic with a president and vice president. The capital city is Abuja. However, the largest city is Lagos. The official currency is the Naira. Nigeria's flag features three vertical stripes: two green stripes on each end and one white stripe in the middle.

The history of Nigeria can be traced to prehistoric settlers (Nigerians) living in the area as early as 1100 BC. Numerous ancient African civilizations settled in the region that is today Nigeria, such as the Kingdom of Nri, the Benin Empire, and the Oyo Empire. ... Nigeriabecame a British protectorate in 1901.
British period: 1800–1960
First Republic: 1960–1979
Nigeria being an oil producing state , it's should be noted that Nigeria is capable of paying all it's citizens at least N30,000 each
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