Woman quits job to look after husband, says 'men should be pampered’

Woman quits job to look after husband, says 'men should be pampered’  

 Its really shocking ..  
Katrina Holte gets up every morning at 6.30am to lay out her husbands clothes before heading downstairs to make him breakfast and prepare a packed lunch for him to take into the office.

She then spends her day cleaning, doing laundry and ironing before starting preparation for the couple's evening meal, which is always cooked from scratch and on the table on time.

But her average day is very, very different to a year ago after she quit her job to become a full time 1950s inspired housewife to look after her engineering manager husband, Lars, 28.

Katrina, 30, used to work in a busy payroll department but decided to give up her career in favour of a vintage lifestyle after being worn down by the day to day stresses of an office.

"I feel like I’m living how I always wanted to. It’s my dream life and my husband shares my vision.

"It is a lot of work. I do tons of dishes, laundry and ironing, but I love it and it’s helping to take care of my husband and that makes me really happy.

"My husband is very appreciative of what I do.

"He grew up in a house where he helped his mum with the cooking and the cleaning, so he is not domineering in any way. He’s the most gentle person I have ever met.

"If I did, heaven forbid, have dinner late, he would not make a fuss, but I can tell it means a lot to him that it's normally on time.

She has been living her new lifestyle since September [Photo: PA REAL LIFE/COLLECT]
"He looks tired when he comes in from work, so when the table is set and decorated and the candles are lit he relaxes. He’s happy for the evening.

"I think a man needs his wife to make him feel spoilt every once in a while."

Katrina has taken her role as traditional housewife to the extreme and wears 1950s dresses she's made herself.

She's also filled her home with 1940s-style furniture in the living room and has a traditional bedroom.

She said: "I can feel like I was born in the wrong decade, especially when I look at everything that is happening in the world now. I feel like I belong in a nicer, more old-fashioned time. But I know everything happens for a reason and it is God’s will that I’m here now.

"I agree with old-fashioned values, like being a housewife, taking care of your family, nurturing the people in it and keeping your house in excellent condition, so everyone feels relaxed."


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